Director since 2014. Extensive experience in nature conservation and development of regional ecotourism.

Nikolay Tschimlyanskiy

Natalia Mekh
PhD. Head of Department of Environmental Education since 2001. Originator of the concept, “Environmental upbringing of children produces environmentally aware adults.”

Tatyana Gavrilova
Employee since 2002. Head of Department of Ecotourism since 2019. Organizes ecological tours, provides organizational and excursion support for tour groups.

Kirill Litvinov
PhD. Employee since 2004. Head of Department of Science since 2014. Interests include underwater photography. Experienced guide; leads tours, arranges laboratory practice and field work.

Marina Vildanova
Employee since 2017. Organizes ecology field schools for children and volunteer expeditions for teenagers. An experienced guide, interested in wildlife photography.

Maksim Perkovsky
Employee since 2014; research ornithologist. Experienced birdwatching guide; extensive knowledge of reserve’s territory and western substeppe ilmens.

Natalia Meshcheriakova
PhD. Employee since 2010. Head of Ornithology Laboratory. Scientific interests include ornithology, hydrobiology, avifauna of Volga delta and Astrakhan region. Currently studying white-tailed eagle populations.

Olga Markova
Guide since 2018. Co-author of the book “Reserve Age”, describing the history and people of Astrakhan Reserve. Also gives tours of historical area of city of Astrakhan.

Evgeniyа Lyubanova
Employee since 2019. Leads tours on the ecology trail and water routes. Also assists in design of the reserve’s informational products.

Darya Seregina
Spokesperson since 2019. Covers the reserve’s activities in social networks, organizes radio and TV programs, and reports on staff in the media.

Irina Bukotkina
Artist. Winner of All-Russian and international exhibitions of original artistic works. Leads creative master classes for reserve visitors.

Elena Khishchenko
Chief Methodologist of Department of Environmental Education since 2018. Conducts various ecological competitions, lectures, excursions and quizzes for children and adults. Guide-organizer.